
Ports manage many disciplinary processes in maritime transport and the economic mobility of sectoral stakeholders in a circular economic value chain. This process requires developing a holistic concept to ensure the energy and environmental sustainability of ports while improving the resource efficiency and environmental sustainability associated with green growth. In this study, first, a conceptual framework related to the green concept to support environmental sustainability was developed. The green transition was examined intuitively based on green concept criteria in a reference port region, while the energy efficiency potential of ports was assessed using a holistic approach. In the study, air pollution and efficient energy use were found to be the needed indicators for the green concept. According to the holistic evaluation, the energy efficiency potential of the port region was found to be 17.6%, and the release of 25.16 tons of CO2 to the environment would be prevented. Moreover, when the manageability of energy in ports was evaluated with ISO50001 criteria in the reference port region, the main important needs were observed in 18 indicators. At the end of the study, the development of energy and environmental sustainability was evaluated in terms of decision processes, and suggestions were made.

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