
Today, with the exponential growth of numerous drone operations ranging from infrastructure monitoring to even package delivery services, drone management regarding the use of drones in urban planning plays an essential role in smart cities' sustainable development. Besides, with the rapid growth of technologies, especially computing, sensing, the Internet of things (IoT), and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), drone demand has increased in real-world applications. However, the larger the number of operating drones, the more accidents in the sky. Therefore, it is essential to manage drones in traffic flows. This study presents an overview of drone management methods in a city environment, presenting the Internet-based approach to drone management in urban areas. Through the control station on the ground, the drone user can set up a flight trajectory and send it to the drone via the Internet. This method allows the user to control and monitor the drone. This method is practiced and validated through a Quadrotor and D-com Viettel 4G test.

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