
In the present research, it will be shown how grammar activities in textbooks still retain the structural method of teaching grammar. The results found by previous scholars’ research will be covered, and illustrated by excerpts of textbooks, including comparison of Hong Kong and Malaysian textbooks. Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) materialized in the West in the 1960s, and has extended to the Eastern countries over the last 20 years (Chung, 2005: 33). Since the introduction of CLT, many English textbooks have been published to incorporate communicative activities, authentic material and personalized contexts, however, most of the learning and teaching of grammar in textbooks do not fully reflect CLT principles ( ibid. ). The paper is written to show concerns over textbook designing issues and hence provide recommendations in changing the design of the modern English language textbooks. In the end of the paper, this research will suggest methods of designing more communicative grammar activities in English language textbooks for future textbook designers having guidelines in compiling the CLT English language textbooks. Besides, some approaches of communicative teaching with the CLT textbooks will be recommended to the pre- and in-service English language teachers in order to lead them to the current trend of CLT.


  • 1.1 What Is Communicative Language Teaching?“Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) materialized in the West in the 1960s and has extended to the Eastern countries over the last 20 years” (Chung, 2005: 33).We may prefer to regard CLT as an approach to language teaching more than only a method (e.g. Richards & Rodgers, 2001), which the approach should be based on the rationales that the fundamental function of language use is communication instead of studies of grammar

  • The audiolingual method is derived from the structural view and it was practiced in many Asian countries or regions such as Malaysia, Taiwan, and Hong Kong before the implementation of the CLT

  • Using more proper Game Activities in language teaching Among the purposes of the present research, the proposed research aims to provide some suggestions for pre- and in-service English language teachers in shifting their tradition way of language teaching to a proper game-based teaching style, with their modifications of the game rules set in textbook, as a number of advantages of proper use of games in lessons are highly suggested by scholars

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What Is Communicative Language Teaching?

“Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) materialized in the West in the 1960s and has extended to the Eastern countries over the last 20 years” (Chung, 2005: 33). We may prefer to regard CLT as an approach to language teaching more than only a method Richards & Rodgers, 2001), which the approach should be based on the rationales that the fundamental function of language use is communication instead of studies of grammar. CLT principles may have formed the foundation of English language syllabi for countries worldwide (cf Chung, 2005: 33). Within the educational framework of Hong Kong, the switch from the structural to communicative approach in primary syllabi is believed to be re-started by the 2004 curriculum reform (for details of the primary textbook regulations, cf Curriculum Development Council, 2004: 211-212)

Trends in CLT
Peeking into Hong Kong and Malaysian Textbooks
Results and Discussion
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