
Due to structural similarity to bisphenol A and lack of safety data, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) is evaluating the potential toxicity of bisphenol AF (BPAF) in rodent models. The current investigation reports the internal exposure data for free (unconjugated BPAF) and total (free and conjugated forms) BPAF during critical stages of development following perinatal dietary exposure in Hsd:Sprague Dawley®SD® rats to 0 (vehicle control), 338, 1125, and 3750 ppm BPAF from gestation day (GD) 6 to postnatal day (PND) 28. Free and total BPAF concentrations in maternal plasma at GD 18, PND 4, and PND 28 increased with the exposure concentration; free BPAF concentrations were ≤ 1.61% those of total BPAF demonstrating extensive first pass metabolism of BPAF following dietary exposure in adults. Free and total BPAF were quantified in GD 18 fetuses and PND 4 pups with free concentrations 11.7–53.4% that of corresponding total concentrations. In addition, free concentrations were higher (130–571%) and total concentrations were lower (1.71–7.23%) than corresponding concentrations in dams, demonstrating either preferential transfer of free BPAF and/or inability of fetuses and pups to conjugate BPAF. Free and total concentrations in PND 28 pups were similar to maternal concentrations demonstrating direct exposure of pups via feed and that conjugating enzymes are developed in PND 28 pups. In conclusion, these data demonstrate considerable gestational and lactational transfer of parent aglycone from the mother to offspring. Since the ontogeny of conjugating enzymes in humans is similar to that of rodents, the data from rodent BPAF studies may be useful in predicting human risk from exposure to BPAF.

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