
Purpose The purpose of this study is to explore the physical activity promotion plans for female student by revising and supplementing the SPARK program which is actively applied as a P.E physical activity improvement program recently. Methods To achieve this, this study followed the custom of action research and apprehended problem in female students' physical activity in SPARK soccer program(first action and examination), problem solving plan(replanning), execution and evaluation of replanned SPARK soccer program (second action and evaluation). The collection and analysis of data was conducted by sequential explanation strategy. Specifically, the study utilized 3 dimensional accelerometer to measure the physical activity in P.E class, and collected data which could apprehend the experience of students by utilizing qualitative study tools(observation, class note, interview). To analyze the collected data, the study utilized mixed-methods study analysis method developed by Greene(2007). Results The study results are as follows. As for the result of first action(October~November 2014), SPARK program increases the entire physical activity in P.E class, but the female students' activity was relatively lower than male students'. The reasons for lower physical activity of female students' were unmotivated class, burdensome class, alienated class. These were specified into teaching strategy to replan and execute the second action (May~June 2015). Compared to first action, the second action showed positive physical activity, and the MVPA of female students' showed statistical difference (<.01). As for the result of qualitative analysis, the positive grounds of second action are 1) motivative resource like "necessity", 2)hard but meaningful learning activity, and 3)kind P.E teacher. Conclusions In conclusion, the implementation of a soccer class with a modified supplement to the SPARK program can enhance physical activity of female middle school students.

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