
The intensification of animal husbandry in recent years has led to a significant increase in the productivity of farm animals. The use of modern breeding methods has led to a decrease in genetic diversity and the spread of recessive lethal and semi-lethal mutations in the animal genome. In the world population of cattle of Holstein rather high rates of fertility haplotypes have been identified that affect reproductive traits as well as those associated with embryonic and post-embryonic mortality at various stages. The results of an investigation of Holstein cows of Dutch origin (n=70) are housed in one of the breeding farms of the Rostov region for the presence of 4 fertility haplotypes: HCD (APOB), HH0 (FANCI), HH3 (SMC2) and HH5 (TFB1M) have been presented in the article. The researches have been performed as part of the task of the Federal Agency of Scientific Organizations No. AAAA18-118021590138-1. In order to diagnose mutations test systems developed in the laboratory of molecular principles of selection of the Department of biotechnology and molecular diagnostics of animals of the Federal Research Center of Animal Husbandry – All-Russian Institute of Animal Husbandry named after academician L. K. Ernst have been used. Hidden carriers of haplotypes HCD, HH0 and HH3 have been identified in the studied group of cows. The frequency of HCD, HH0, and HH3 haplotypes was 1,43 %, 7,14 and 4,29 %, respectively. Carriers of the HH5 haplotype have been not found in the studied sample of Holstein cows. The results of molecular genetic testing have been confirmed by the analysis of pedigrees. The development of methods for diagnosing genetic anomalies and identifying loci associated with the decrease in productive trait as well as continuous monitoring of breeding stock will allow selecting animals that have high productive traits and are not burdened with genetic defects and malformations.

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