
Yunnan is located in the southwestern border of China, neighboring South Asia and Southeast Asia. Since the end ofthe 19th century, the western medicine was introduced into Yunnan Province along with the arrival of missionaries, exerting great influence on local medicine in Yunnan, even in inland China, and has become an integral part of Chinese modern medical history. Initially, the missionaries who knew only a little medical knowledge and treated the patients effectively during their missionary work with the western medicines they carried, so as to develop the believers. At the beginning of the 20th century, Catholic Church and Christian Church began to establish Church Hospitals in Yunnan, including the "Dafashi Hospital (French Consulate Hospital)" set up in 1901, and "Fudian Hospital (French Government Hospital)" established in 1902, and many Hospitals set up in Yunnan Province. The Church Hospitals also established medical schools and nurse schools all over Yunnan, which promoted modern medical education in Yunnan, and had profound influence on modern education of western medicine in this Provence.

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