
Different in principle from the contemporary standard black hole accretion models, a new approach to the understanding of the internal structure of highly compact stationary supermassive celestial bodies has been worked out. The equations of equilibrium configurations of baryonic protomatter (ECBP) have been discussed. In a particular case of ideal degenerated neutron gas in absence of a process of inner distortion of the space and time, it has been shown that the theory suggested by Ter-Kazarian (1989c) leads to the same results as those obtained by Oppenheimer and Volkoff (1939) based on Einstein's theory. The numerical integration of equations of ECBP in the most simple case of equilibrium single-component configurations of degenerated ideal gas of neutrons in a presence of one-dimensional space-like inner distortion of space-time continuum is carried out. It has been shown that the stable stationary supermassive cores are formed in the central parts of the considered configurations. As the models of active galactic nuclei (AGNs) one has considered only the configurations that consisted of these cores surrounded by accretion disks. The fundamental difference from the standard black-hole accretion models is the fact that the central cores are in a stable equilibrium state with certain radial distributions of density and pressure and with a number of integral characteristics. The significant effect of metric singularity cut-off has been established, due to the action of which a singularity of metric ceased to be significant. The numerous integrations have also revealed the other fact of great importance, the presence within the outlined theory of a rigorous restriction on the upper limit of possible values of total masses of considered equilibrium configurations, which is to beM≤3.5×108M⊙. In the last section one has proceeded to the direct modelling of concrete AGNs (for 61 sources), the whole point of which comes to the solving of the inverse problem. The results of all calculations that have been carried out in the present work are summarized in Tables I–VII and represented by means of numerous figures. Finally, one should emphasize the important fact of the existence of BL Lac objects OJ 287, 3C 66A, and B2 1308+32, the observed time-scale for flux variations of which are inconsistent with contemporary black hole aceretion models. The case is quite different within the scope of the suggested theory. It seems that a decisive significance for these objects has the action of metric singularity cut-off effect. Due to this their observed sizes are less than the sizes of corresponding spheres of the event horizon. This may serve as a further indication that the suggested theory is preferable to the standard models.

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