
This paper proposes two new multidimensional coordinate spaces that are called Mega- Dynamic Disks Multivariable Random Coordinate Space in Vertical Position (MDDMRCS- Vertical Position) and The Mega-Dynamic Disks Multivariable Random Coordinate Space in Horizontal Position (MDDMRCS-Horizontal Position). The MDDMRCS-Vertical Position and Horizontal Position captures n-dimensions in the same graphical space simultaneously. It provides the possibility to visualize without any restrictions the interconnectedness and movements of a large number of endogenous and exogenous variables in different graphical spaces at different periods of time. Through the visualization of the asymmetric spiral-shaped figure with n-faces that constantly moves in real time in the MDDMRCS-Vertical or Horizontal Position, it is now possible to observe the interactions of endogenous variables and exogenous variables. This asymmetric spiral-shaped figure with n-faces demonstrates the expansions or contractions that are contingent on changes taking place among all variables, in different graphical spaces and at different times. (Keywords: Econographicology, Multi-Dimensional graphs and Multi-Dimensional Geometry)

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