
The critical loads approach to emission controls of gaseous pollutants is a concept with a short but eventful history. Despite difficulties with definitions and agreed values, its acceptance within the UN-ECE Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution has provided the impetus for developing methods to put critical loads to a practical use—the revision of the UNECE emission protocols for sulphur and nitrogen. Methodologies first focus upon quantifying a pollutant threshold at which harmful effects occur on particular sensitive receptors (usually biological species). This threshold is known as the critical load for deposited pollutants, and as the critical level for gaseous pollutants acting on receptors. To calculate a critical load, biological effects are usually ‘translated’ to critical chemical values, e.g. harmful eeffects on fish ‘translate’ to alkalinity or aluminium concentrations in water; thus, critical load calculations may be based upon the chemistry of a system. Such calculations may be performed using simple, steady-state models, whilst the use of more complex, dynamic models provides an insight into the past and future trends. Maps of critical loads can be drawn using calculated values, and maps of pollutant deposition data will then show geographical areas where critical loads are exceeded. Spatial emission-deposition models can identify sources contributing to areas of excess loads and quantify necessary emission reductions. Optimization procedures applied to such models can derive abatement strategies related to economic costs and critical load effects. The critical load calculations may also be used to underpin the setting of target loads; these are pollutant loads, determined by political agreement, which take account of social, economic and political considerations.

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