
Abstract Vitreous hemorrhage associated with subarachnoid hemorrhage is known as Terson's Syndrome (TS). However, it is also seen in the literature in cases of traumatic brain injury or intracranial hemorrhage. Management of visual manifestations is necessary in patients with intracranial hemorrhage. A vitreous hemorrhage was found in the evaluation made due to visual symptoms in a patient who presented to the emergency department with intracranial hemorrhage. In addition to clinical findings, imaging techniques have an important place in the diagnosis of TS. Vitreous hemorrhage findings can be detected with imaging studies such as Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In this case, the diagnostic findings and the importance of diagnosis in CT and MRI examinations in a patient with TS will be discussed. The purpose of this case report is to share the imaging findings of TS.

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