
Tourism destinations provide unique social contexts which foster sexual risk-taking. Banff, Alberta, Canada is one such destination with high rates of STI and risk-taking, particularly among tourism workers (TWs).Twenty-five TWs (14 women and 11 men) completed a single session intervention designed to promote the consistent and correct use of condoms. The intervention, comprised of motivational and skills-based training and the provision of a range of high-quality condoms and lubricants, was delivered in a one-to-one format in community settings. Pre- and post-intervention (three weeks following) paper and pencil questionnaires were administered. Sexual experience barriers to condom use significantly decreased (P<.001) after the intervention and confidence in condom use negotiation (P=.005) significantly increased. Confidence in using condoms without loss of pleasure (P=.001) also significantly increased. The number of condom use errors significantly decreased (P<.001). All except two of the behavioral outcomes were also significant: TWs were more likely to discuss condom use before having sex (P=.025), more likely to report condom use the last time sex occurred (P=.005), and more likely to add lubrication to condoms for penile-vaginal sex (P=.027). Significant changes in frequency of unprotected penile-anal sex and frequency of unprotected penile-vaginal sex were not observed; however a large effect size was observed relative to decreases in unprotected penile-vaginal sex. Together the behavioural outcomes and psychosocial outcomes suggest the potential utility for this single session program to be applied in other tourist destinations.

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