
Autistic disorder, a developmental disorder that appears during the first three years of life and is characterized by communication problems, social interaction deficits and repetitive/ restricted interests and behaviors. Although a diagnosis criterion of autistic disorders does not involve restrictions to cover sensory, perception, and motor skills, studies and observations indicated that some of the children with autistic disorder had delay for motor development, lower in physical performance and activity level, and differences in response process to the sensory stimulus than children without autistic disorder. Aquatherapy is utilized to improve physical performance, regulate to sensory stimulus, and providing social integration as intervention for children in literature. However, although these useful effects, aquatherapy not supplied enough to children with autistic disorder, and it is observed that family, teachers and other specialists have some difficulties about performing it. This study focuses on the usefulness of the aquatherapy, adopted measures and teaching strategies, examples of aquatic program and plays for different age groups and safety issues during activities.

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