
The equations of statical equilibrium and the failure criterion for the soil are insufficient to render a slope stability analysis determinate. Generally, the problem is resolved by making assumptions regarding the interslice forces. Calculated safety factors generally do not vary widely as a result of different assumptions. However, difficulties are sometimes associated with the convergence of the nonlinear solution when assumptions deviate excessively from realistic in situ stress conditions.This paper presents the results of an elastic analysis for the computation of interslice normal and shear forces acting within a soil mass. The directions of the resultant interslice forces were computed using a two-dimensional, finite element analysis with constant strain elements. Simpson's method of integration was used to develop a function, f(x), describing the directions of the resultant interslice forces. The function was found to be bell-shaped with the peak occurring approximately at mid-slope (i.e., halfway between the crest and the toe). A generalized empirical function has been proposed. The equation takes the form of an extended error function in which the constants c and n are functions of the slope inclination, and the K-constant is a function of the slope inclination and the depth of the slip surface. Slope analyses using the proposed function show a line of thrust near the one-third point. No problems have been observed with convergence of the solution. Key words: slope stability, safety factor, method of slices, interslice forces, finite elements, interslice force functions, clay, slopes.

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