
view Abstract Citations (37) References (18) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS An interpretation of the radio outbursts of Cygnus X-3. Marscher, A. P. ; Brown, R. L. Abstract We describe the radio bursts from Cyg X-3 by an expanding cloud of relativistic particles and magnetic fields that is uniformly mixed with an ionized thermal gas. We follow the time evolution of the synchrotron radiation from such a cloud including both synchrotron losses and adiabatic losses in the calculation. In the immediate postmaximum period, synchrotron losses dominate and determine the character of the subsequent decay of the burst; this is reflected in an exponential form of the decay near maximum. At later times, adiabatic losses are more important and the later stages of the decay follow a power law; this behavior is in keeping with the observations. The coexpansive thermal gas attenuates the low-frequency radio spectrum via free-free absorption, a process which effectively competes with synchrotron self-absorption in determining the optical depth at all frequencies. The agreement obtained with this model between the observed and calculated radio bursts is very satisfactory. Subject headings: radio sources - synchrotron radiation - X-ray sources Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: September 1975 DOI: 10.1086/153843 Bibcode: 1975ApJ...200..719M Keywords: Radio Bursts; Synchrotron Radiation; X Ray Sources; Astronomical Models; Bremsstrahlung; High Energy Electrons; Magnetic Flux; Radio Sources (Astronomy); Relativistic Particles; Astrophysics full text sources ADS | data products SIMBAD (1)

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