
AbstractA total field magnetic anomaly contour map of the continental margin west of Ireland is described by reference to geological structure previously established by seismic reflection profiling. The western Irish Mainland Shelf, Porcupine Seabight Trough and Porcupine Ridge were previously defined as major north‐south elements in the structure of the margin. Each is readily distinguished on the magnetic anomaly contour map. To the north these features terminate against, or merge with, the east‐west Slyne Ridge. A pronounced change in the magnetic anomaly pattern at about 53°N suggests that the southern limit of this Ridge coincides with a major geological discontinuity extending from near the coast of Ireland to the continental slope, some 320 km to the west.The magnetic anomaly contour map gives general support to the idea that the Slyne Ridge and Porcupine Ridge represent submerged blocks of marginal continental crust, and that the Porcupine Seabight Trough is founded upon crust significantly different in character.

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