
Abstract. Digital and spatial techniques, such as reality-based surveying and 3D modelling, have long been used in archaeology. However, in recent years the use of these techniques has gained importance also in the history of architecture, a discipline in which these data can help to interpret traditionally used, but often incomplete, written sources (Tucci et al. 2021; Fiorini et al. 2023).This paper is about an aspect of the eighteenth-century renovations of Palazzo Vecchio. It focuses attention on a small terrace that runs alongside the exterior facade of the Sala dei Cinquecento and to which there is no entrance. The question this paper seeks to answer is: why during eighteenth-century renovations it was decided to exclude the existing entrance to the terrace from the accessible spaces? Using geomatics techniques, it has been possible to identify the location of the enclosed spaces in relation to other parts of the building (Tucci, 2017).In accordance with the criteria of Spatial Humanities, the present research is characterized by an interdisciplinary approach based on the analysis and interpretation of data obtained from archival sources (Archivio Storico Comunale di Firenze, Fototeca Comunale di Firenze, Archivio Centrale di Stato di Roma, Archivio di Stato di Firenze, Gabinetto fotografico degli Uffizi, Catalogo Generale Beni Culturali, Biblioteca Nazionale), the consultation of relevant published iconographic sources in libraries, and the interpretation of 3D data and architectural elements discovered during the onsite survey of the area between the inner and outer southern façades of the Sala dei Cinquecento.The first part of this essay focus on the southern façade of the Sala dei Cinquecento and aims to demonstrate to what extent the Carlo Falconieri’s modification altered the general appearance of the façade. The second part, aims to clarify the architectural phases or aspects of the southern façade of the Sala dei Cinquecento before Falconieri’s works.

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