
Perinatal anxiety is one of the most common conditions during pregnancy and is associated with adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. Interventions that are focused on childbirth education and health literacy have been shown to help decrease pregnancy-related anxiety. These programs, however, have limitations. Transportation, childcare, and work conflicts pose barriers to patients. In addition, many of these programs have not been studied in high-risk patients, who are most at risk for pregnancy-related anxiety. Thus, it is uncertain whether an online childbirth education course can help to improve outcomes in a high-risk patient population. This study aimed to compare an interactive online platform for childbirth education (Birthly) with usual prenatal education on anxiety, emergency healthcare utilization, and delivery outcomes for high-risk pregnancies. We performed a randomized trial comparing an interactive online childbirth education platform combined with usual prenatal education (intervention) with usual prenatal education alone (usual care). Nulliparous, English-speaking patients with internet access and a high-risk pregnancy (medical or mental health disorders) were included. Patients in 2 urban clinics that serve underresourced patients were enrolled at <20 weeks of gestation. The intervention included 3 interactive courses (prenatal bootcamp, breastfeeding, newborn care) and access to a clinician-moderated online community. Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale questionnaires were administered at randomization and at 34 to 40 weeks. The primary outcome was third-trimester Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale score. Secondary outcomes included change in Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale score, unscheduled emergency visits, delivery, and postpartum outcomes. To demonstrate a 15% decrease in Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale score, 37 patients would be needed per group. Accounting for a 20% loss to follow-up rate, we planned to recruit 90 total patients or 45 per group. A total of 90 patients were randomized with no differences in demographics or baseline Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale scores. Most patients self-identified as Black and were publicly insured. More than 60% of patients (62.2%) in the intervention arm completed at least 1 Birthly course. Patients in the intervention arm had significantly lower third-trimester Pregnancy-related Anxiety Scale scores (indicating lower anxiety) compared with those receiving usual care (44.6±7.3 vs 53.9±13.8; P<.01), with a decrease in score of 8.3 points vs 0.7 for usual care (P<.01). Patients in the intervention arm also had fewer emergency visits (1 [0-2] vs 2 [1-3]; P=.003). There were no differences in delivery outcomes. Patients in the intervention arm were more likely to breastfeed at delivery, although this was not different by the postpartum visit. Finally, patients who received the intervention were more likely to be satisfied with their childbirth education (94.6% vs 64.9%; P<.01). An interactive online childbirth education platform can reduce pregnancy-related anxiety and emergency healthcare utilization while improving satisfaction in a high-risk patient population.

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