
Relation extraction refers to a method of efficiently detecting and identifying predefined semantic relationships within a set of entities in text documents. Numerous relation extractionfc techniques have been developed thus far, owing to their innate importance in the domain of information extraction and text mining. The majority of the relation extraction methods proposed to date is based on a supervised learning method requiring the use of learning collections; such learning methods can be classified into feature-based, semi-supervised, and kernel-based techniques. Among these methods, a case analysis on a kernel-based relation extraction method, considered the most successful of the three approaches, is carried out in this paper. Although some previous survey papers on this topic have been published, they failed to select the most essential of the currently available kernel-based relation extraction approaches or provide an in-depth comparative analysis of them. Unlike existing case studies, the study described in this paper is based on a close analysis of the operation principles and individual characteristics of five vital representative kernel-based relation extraction methods. In addition, we present deep comparative analysis results of these methods. In addition, for further research on kernel-based relation extraction with an even higher performance and for general high-level kernel studies for linguistic processing and text mining, some additional approaches including feature-based methods based on various criteria are introduced.

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