
With an increasing number of web users, the data traffic generated by these users generates tremendous network traffic which takes a long time to connect with the web server. The main reason is, the distance between the client making requests and the servers responding to those requests. The use of the CDN (content delivery network) is one of the strategies for minimizing latency. But, it incurs additional cost. Alternatively, web caching and preloading are the most viable approaches to this issue. It is therefore decided to introduce a novel web caching strategy called optimized popularity-aware modified least frequently used (PMLFU) policy for information retrieval based on users' past access history and their trends analysis. It helps to enhance the proxy-driven web caching system by analyzing user access requests and caching the most popular web pages driven on their preferences. Experimental results show that the proposed systems can significantly reduce the user delay in accessing the web page. The performance of the proposed system is measured using IRCACHE data sets in real time.

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