
Abstract: The amount of textual data available from diverse resources is increasing dramatically in the substantial data age. This textual volume has a wealth of information and expertise that must be skilfully summarised in order to be useful. Because billions of articles are published every day, it takes a long time to look through and keep up with all of the information available. Much of this text material has to be reduced to shorter, focused summaries that capture the most important aspects, both so we can explore it more efficiently and to ensure that the bigger papers include the information we need. Because manual text summarising is a time-consuming and typically difficult activity, automating it is expanding in popularity and thus provides an ideal impetus for academic study. The growing availability of documents has necessitated much study in the field of natural language processing (NLP) for automatic text summarization. "Is there any software that can assist us digest the facts more efficiently and in less time?" is the genuine question. As a result, the major goal of the summarization system is to extract the most important information from the data and deliver it to the consumers. In NLP, summarization is the act of condensing text information in huge texts to make it easier to understand and consume. We suggest a solution by developing a text summary programme that uses Natural Language Processing and accepts an input (plain text or text scrapped from a website). The output is the outlined text. Natural language processing, along with machine learning, makes it easier to condense large quantities of information into a coherent and fluent summary that only incorporates the article's most important points.

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