
The cloud auditing model was attractive for the cloud storage system to check the integrity of the stored user files. Hence, to maximize the security concern, federated learning and the blockchain were introduced. But, in some cases, security issues arose because of the extensive unstructured data and attack vulnerability. So, to avoid security problems and offer better protection in a cloud environment, a novel Optimized Buffalo-based Homomorphic SHA Blockchain (OBHSB) is proposed. In this model for accessing the cloud storage data with the critical matching method, if any of the unauthenticated users are trying to access the file initially, the system checks the key matching parameter. The proposed model was developed to provide better security in big data presented in the cloud environment. Hence, federated learning was adopted to create the cloud auditing phase in the distributed cloud environment. Therefore, it gives flexibility in training all data types: audio, text, and images. Moreover, the prime performance parameters were calculated and compared with other traditional approaches to justify the efficiency of the proposed model. The attack was considered an event in this research. The performance rate of the proposed model was validated in the performance analysis. Subsequently, the case study was developed in this research to explain the working procedure of the proposed design, and the result of the proposed model was discussed.

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