
The Smart Cities improve the quality of life of its citizens and creates new opportunities for development of a country. The Smart city technologies signifies the top priority for most of the communities within a country. Many industries have Smart cities under their purview of understanding and are engaged in research for the infrastructure needed for setting up smart cities since they support configurations to manage traffic control, transportation management, building management, energy monitoring, pollution monitoring, location and route monitoring, etc. In this paper we discuss a strategy to integrate the public transportation facility provided by Riyadh metro, an element of Smart City into the Riyadh Smart City (RSC) application. The Riyadh metro tracking will be based on location based services where the passenger is delivered the services in which they may be interested in, throughout their journey. This web application will provide the passengers with the information about the active areas within their point of access so that they can make selection with respect to their requirement even though they are travelling. In the future this application could be integrated with the RSC application in the cloud. The challenges and implications faced throughout the integration process would be studied further.

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