
In daily use of internet, when searching information we face lots of difficulty due to the rapid growth of Information Resources. This is because of the fact that a single search engine cannot index the entire web of resources. A Meta Search Engine is a solution for this, which submits the query to many other search engines and returns summary of the results. Therefore, the search results receive are an aggregate result of multiple searches. This strategy gives our search a boarder scope than searching a single search engine, but the results are not always better. Because the Meta Search Engine must use its own algorithm to choose the best results from multiple search engines. In this paper we proposed a new Meta Search Engine to overcome these drawbacks. It uses a new page rank algorithm called modified ranking for ranking and optimizing the search results in an efficient way. It is a two phase ranking algorithm used for ordering the web pages based on their relevance and popularity. This Meta Search Engine is developed in such a way that it will produce more efficient results than traditional search engines.

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