
An Intelligent Fuzzy Agent for Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System is proposed in this paper. The proposed Intelligent Fuzzy Agent including Meeting Negotiation Agent, Fuzzy Inference Agent and Genetic Learning Agent can search and decide the suitable meeting time for the specified meeting in an organization. When a meeting host requests a meeting, the Meeting Negotiation Agent immediately sends the invitees’ names to Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System for retrieving their schedules from Group Calendar Data Base, then Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System will compute the possible meeting time and respond the results to Meeting Negotiation Agent. Moreover, the Fuzzy Inference Agent infers the adequate meeting time based on the information provided by Meeting Negotiation Agent and Personalized Knowledge Base, and sends the computing result back to Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System. The meeting host will decide the final meeting time based on Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System and announce the meeting information by various devices including PDA, WAP, FAX, or E-mail. Furthermore, the invitees’ decisions for attending the meeting or not will be stored into Meeting Information Knowledge Base, then the Genetic Learning Agent will adjust the Personalized Knowledge Base for the next meeting. By the experimental results, the proposed Intelligent Fuzzy Agent can work efficiently and effectively for Meeting Scheduling Decision Support System.

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