
Facial expressions play a crucial role in emotion recognition as compared to other modalities. In this work, an integrated network, which is capable of recognizing emotion intensity levels from facial images in real time using deep learning technique is proposed. The cognitive study of facial expressions based on expression intensity levels are useful in applications such as healthcare, coboting, Industry 4.0 etc. This work proposes to augment emotion recognition with 2 other important parameters, valence and emotion intensity. This helps in better automated responses by a machine to an emotion. The valence model helps in classifying emotion as positive and negative emotions and discrete model classifies emotions as happy, anger, disgust, surprise and neutral state using Convolution Neural Network (CNN). Feature extraction and classification are carried out using CMU Multi-PIE database. The proposed architecture achieves 99.1% and 99.11% accuracy for valence model and discrete model respectively for offline image data with 5-fold cross validation. The average accuracy achieved in real time for valance model and discrete model is 95% & 95.6% respectively. Also, this work contributes to build a new database using facial landmarks, with three intensity levels of facial expressions which helps to classify expressions into low, mild and high intensities. The performance is also tested for different classifiers. The proposed integrated system is configured for real time Human Robot Interaction (HRI) applications on a test bed consisting of Raspberry Pi and RPA platform to assess its performance.

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