
In the world global market today, there is an increasing threat that product are not what consumer's and end users think they are, industries, manufacturing companies as well as commercial Companies which run on a web-based platform-face the challenges of faking their products, therefore causing downstream in sales and quality of products in the market. The aim of this research is to design and develop an intelligent agent for monitoring and detecting counterfeit products. In this project, Barcode technology was used to develop a web-based intelligent agent for monitoring and detecting counterfeit products, Qualitative and quantitative research methodology was adopted in this research in which questionnaire was used to determine the impact of counterfeit products on consumers and business and also to ascertain the ability of the consumers to identify counterfeit products. Based on the findings from this research, it is shown that the application of this system in the global market can help minimize and if possible eradicate counterfeit products from the global markets.

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