
This study was aimed to unravel the effect of raw materials (barley and wheat), wheat concentration (0, 25, 40, and 100 %), wheat species (common and durum), beer style (Blanche and Weiss), and yeast (US-05 and WB-06) on the chemical composition, volatiles, and sensory profile of wheat craft beers by using a multivariate statistical approach. Beer samples were analysed for their composition, volatiles and sensory profile and data were processed using unsupervised multivariate analyses, PLS regression and a multi-omics approach using multi-block PLS-DA. Multi-block variable sparsification was used as an embedded dimension reduction step. The adopted multi-omics approach permitted to correctly classify beers with different styles and wheat concentration, and to accurate classify (95 % accuracy) beers according to yeast type. Wheat species was of lower importance since it permitted a classification with 49 % accuracy which increased to 74 % in Blanche beers, thus suggesting that malting flattened differences determined by wheat species.

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