
Traffic is a key aspect of everyday life. Its study, as it happens with other complex phenomena, has found in simulation a basic tool. However, the use of simulations faces important limitations. Building them requires considering different aspects of traffic (e.g. urbanism, car features, and individual drivers) with their specific theories, that must be integrated to provide a coherent model. There is also a variety of simulation platforms with different requirements. Many of these problems demand multi-disciplinary teams, where the different backgrounds can hinder the communication and validation of simulations. The Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) of simulations has been proposed in other fields to address these issues. Such approaches develop graphical Modelling Languages (MLs) that researchers use to model their problems, and then semi-automatically generate simulations from those models. Working in this way promotes communication, platform independence, incremental development, and reutilisation. This paper presents the first steps for a MDE framework for traffic simulations. It introduces a tailored extensible ML for domain experts. The ML is focused on human actions, so it adopts an Agent-Based Modelling perspective. Regarding traffic aspects, it includes concepts commonly found in related literature following the Driver-Vehicle-Environment model. The language is also suitable to accommodate additional theories using its extension mechanisms. The approach is supported by an infrastructure developed using Eclipse MDE projects: the ML is specified with Ecore, and a model editor and a code generator tools are provided. A case study illustrates how to develop a simulation based on a driver's behaviour theory for a specific target platform using these elements.

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