
Large numbers of dissatisfying systems users, organizations and higher rate of systems failure is still a problem. In targeting this failure, measure of systems success categorized as a solution to increase the rate of success in future systems initiatives. Success measure of systems is an important part of software’s engineering and information systems engineering to improve systems performance. However, studies showed a lack of research done on systems success evaluation in the universities of world, Arab region and Yemeni as special. Systems especially the web-based faces high rate of failure in Arab region, it was observed that many funded system projects failed, it was also, noted that in Yemen systems were completed and implemented without success measuring. Data analysis and interpretation for the web based information systems (WIS) success framework related to higher education can be taken as a latest phenomenon for the incorporation of theories of TAM, DM 2003 and software engineering ISO 25010. Moreover, this is also responsive and effective for assessing computer anxiety and management support aspects to explain satisfaction, loyalty and net impact. The present study is enthusiastic to outline the need for highlighting student perspective where exists dearth of research in this regard and dire need for engineering framework that works as a tool for organizations to success measure of their systems. Though, prior scholarly work has outlined significant role and importance of designing quality university WIS framework from the aspect of WIS developers not from the side of users. Henceforth, the present study aims to strive for highlighting the perception of users (students) regarding to universities WIS.

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