
Background: Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease - IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder. Common symptoms include rectal bleeding, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, extreme fatigue, weight loss, constipation, etc. Although it is a widespread disease, its etiology and mechanism are still not properly understood. Hence, even though several treatment methodologies have been employed for the management of the symptoms associated with the Crohn's disease - side-effect free, long-term management of this disease is still not achieved. Purpose: As per the classical texts of Ayurveda, Pachak Pitta, Saman Vayu and Kledak Kapha are responsible for proper digestion; vikriti (vitiation) of these Doshas can lead to various types of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Hence, herbal medicines that balance these Doshas, as well as provide nourishment to the body tissues, can be recommended for the management of the observed symptoms of the disease in the present study. Yagya Therapy provides pulmonary inhalation of medicinal smoke of multiple herbs (generated through oblation in fire along with chanting of Vedic hymns), which provide therapeutic benefits. The Vedic hymns also contribute to the positive restructuring of the psyche of the patient. Methodology: A case report about a male patient, who was suffering from symptoms similar to those found in Crohn's disease, has been presented in this article. The patient was prescribed an integrated approach pivoting on Yagya Therapy (using an appropriate herbal formulation - hawan-samagri), and some other Ayurvedic treatments like decoction of medicinal herbs, dietary restrictions, etc. Results: Before starting the integrated approach involving Yagya Therapy , the patient used to have severe pain in the abdomen, had swelling and stiffness in legs, had constipation, as well as weight loss; after taking the integrated approach involving Yagya Therapy , there was significant relief in the pain, the swelling in the legs was completely resolved, the stiffness in the legs had reduced, constipation was significantly reduced, as well as there was slight increase in weight. Earlier, because of weakness, the patient had difficulty in walking, changing posture from sitting to standing and vice versa, changing side while lying down; after taking the integrated approach, the patient feels an enhanced strength in his legs, has started walking on his own, can change posture from sitting to standing and vice versa on his own, can change side while lying down on his own. Overall, there was definite improvement in the condition of the patient. Conclusion: The integrated approach involving Yagya Therapy showed encouraging results with respect to the management of symptoms similar to those found in Crohn's disease.


  • IntroductionCrohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)) is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

  • Crohn’s disease is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]

  • The Vedic hymns respect to the management of symptoms similar to contribute to the positive restructuring of the psyche those found in Crohn's disease

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Crohn’s disease (an inflammatory bowel disease IBD) is a chronic gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]. Common symptoms of Crohn's disease include rectal bleeding, persistent diarrhea, abdominal pain, extreme fatigue, weight loss, constipation, etc. Crohn’s disease (an (using an appropriate herbal formulation - hawaninflammatory bowel disease - IBD) is a chronic samagri), and some other Ayurvedic treatments like gastrointestinal inflammatory disorder. Results: Before starting the integrated approach diarrhea, abdominal pain, extreme fatigue, weight involving Yagya Therapy , the patient used to have loss, constipation, etc. It is a widespread severe pain in the abdomen, had swelling and disease, its etiology and mechanism are still not stiffness in legs, had constipation, as well as weight properly understood.

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