
Abstract The Jalpatagua fault in Guatemala accommodates dextral movement of the Central America forearc. We present new global positioning system (GPS) data, minor fault analysis, geochronological analyses, and analysis of lineaments to characterize deformation along the fault and near its terminations. Our data indicate that the Jalpatagua fault terminates at both ends into extensional regions. The western termination occurs near the Amatitlan caldera and the southern extension of the Guatemala City graben, as no through-going structures were observed to continue west into the active volcanic arc. Along the Jalpatagua fault, new and updated GPS site velocities are consistent with a slip rate of 7.1 ± 1.8 mm yr−1. Minor faulting along the central section of the fault includes: (1) N-S–striking normal faults accommodating E-W elongation; and (2) four sets of strike-slip faults (oriented 330°, 020°, 055°, and 295°, parallel to the Jalpatagua fault trace). Minor fault arrays support dextral movement along a major fault in the orientation of the Jalpatagua fault. GPS and fault data indicate that the Jalpatagua fault terminates to the east near the Guatemala–El Salvador border. Data delineate a pull-apart basin southeast of the fault termination, which is undergoing transtension as the Jalpatagua fault transitions into the El Salvador fault system to the east. Within the basin, minor faulting and lineations trend to the NW and accommodate NE-directed elongation. This faulting differs from E-W elongation observed along the Jalpatagua fault and is more similar to minor faults within the El Salvador fault system.

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