
In recent years, Smart City asserts itself as the general model for the city of tomorrow and sustainability has become a focal point in urban development policies. It is clear how essential is to redirect or modify the well-established economic and social practices in order to achieve the desired objective of wealth and efficiency by investing in the innovation, differentiation and conversion of products and production processes, using an increasingly green approach, is likely to be the best solution for relaunching sustainable development. The smart city paradigm can be successfully extended to wider areas related by socio-economical homogeneity bringing to the smart-land concept. In this paper it is proposed an integrated and intermodal methodology for the development of smart mobility systems that combine technological innovation in electric transportations and mobility services aimed at integrating the strategies of the public transportation with the benefits of the individual one. The main focus of this methodology is to create an integrated mobility network that allow a transition toward a sustainable form of tourism. The coordination of different kind of services and infrastructures like transport services, information and communication infrastructure, energy infrastructure in a related platform aims to develop a smart system integrated in local ecosystem. The support of sensoring system, able to measure a set of indicators, and geographic information system platform allow to fix specific goals, supporting the urban and territorial planning process and monitoring the project status and results. This methodology represents the starting point for a spatial, relational and institutional reorganization process that would lead to a change in the production and management dynamics of the local ecosystem concerning tourism issues.

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