
 Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) includes peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and venous disease. PAD is a chronic progressive atherosclerotic disease leading to partial or total peripheral vascular occlusion. In ayurveda it is compared with Vatarakta, classified as a Mahavatavyadhi and as a separate disease in the literature has evoked attention of the Ayurvedic physicians and scholars because of its versatility in symptoms.In this case study, A Case of 54 years old male patient came to OPD of shalyatantra department Parul institute of Ayurveda with complains of wound over right foot, Throbbing pain and discoloration, Swelling over foot, Pus discharge, Fever on /off, unable to walk. with past history Amputation of left 3rd toe- in 2019 and Injury with thorn before 25 days ago. with addiction of tea, alcohol and Tobacco. In general examination patient was k/c/o HTN and DM since 20-25 years.Treatment protocol for this patient given was - 1. Blood sugar management 2. Wound care 3. Saman chikitsa (symptomatic management) 4. Jalokaavacharan 5. Debridement over sole of foot 6. Compartment syndrome (fasciotomy) over sole with 1 vertical line and above 2 vertical line incision 7. Amputation. which provided significant relief in the chief complaints and ultimately prevented major deformity in the form of amputation.Conclusion: Life style of patient improved remarkable. Patient could be able to walk after treatment . Pain and Discoloration decreased.

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