
Application software tools provided to the Power System Control Supervisor by an Energy Management System (EMS) play an important role in the economic operation of power systems.This paper describes an integrated, hierarchical set of application software tools designed to assist the Control Supervisor to perform his functions in an organized and effective manner. Various operating economic principles, strategies, performance objectives and constraints are built into various application software packages. These packages are loose-coupled to provide flexibility and are used in a concerted manner by the System Control Supervisor.Significant aspects of this paper are the following:•The way in which operating economics of daily to hourly to minute-by-minute concern are accomplished in a hierarchical manner•The presentation of an overview of key operating economic principles, performance objectives, constraints and techniques in each application software package and the overall software system•The way these application packages are integrated with the Control Supervisor playing the “review, intervene if necessary, and step forward” role as power system conditions demand, or using these applications in a standalone mode, with the ultimate goal of maintaining optimal system dispatch•Our experiences so far, the current development status and future plans.

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