
ABSTRACT A series of statistical and graphical techniques incorporating a “weight of evidence” approach were used to interpret results from an integrated Triad case study designed to determine potential environmental impacts to aquatic biota in the Delaware River that may be linked to PAHs found in Motiva's oil refinery effluent. Sediment concentrations of various metals, PCBs and LMW PAHs exceeding both ERL and ERM sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) were reported in the study area. However, most chemical contaminants did not exceed their respective SQGs. Results from a long-term sediment coring study indicated that there was no evidence of significant historical PAH contamination of sediments related to Motiva's exceedences. PAHs comprising the Motiva “fingerprint” were found in the surficial sediments at four near-field sites but non-Motiva PAH concentrations (background) were shown to be significantly higher at other far-field sites (non-Motiva influence). Chronic sediment toxicity appears to have significant relationships to the patterns of most PAH isomers, certain PCB isomers, and certain metals. However, sediment toxicity does not appear to be related to the PAH isomers that are characteristic of Motiva's effluent nor to the near-field sites. Impacted benthic communities were reported in the study area, primarily at one near-field and two far-field sites. However, there were no apparent relationships between benthic community health and sediment contaminants. The status of benthic communities does not appear to be related to PAHs derived from the Motiva effluent. The “weight of evidence” analysis developed from a systematic and comprehensive series of statistical and graphical assessments indicates that, although the study area displayed some degree of sediment contamination, chronic sediment toxicity, and benthic health impacts, these environmental effects generally could not be related to Motiva's exceedences.

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