
Wetlands cover nearly 5% of the total land area of Nepal. Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (KTWR), a Ramsar Site of international significance, is not only an important protected area for globally threatened species but also important for its multi-functional role that provides a diverse range of ecosystem goods and services, especially provisioning services from forests and wetlands, to the indigenous wetland dependent communities. The research method primarily comprised of in-depth and semi-structured interviews amongst the wetland dependent communities of KTWR. Given the high level of poverty in the buffer zone communities and limited alternative livelihood opportunities, pressure on the reserve is increasing and the management investment is insufficient, which has accelerated degradation of vital ecosystem services thereby imposing further constraints on wetland conservation goals. Hence, this paper aims to look at the the existing state of livelihoods of wetland dependent communities of Koshi Tappu Widlife Reserve by the existing socio-economic status and analyzing factors affecting the dependency of local inhabitants on wetland resources through identification, inventorization, quantification and valuation of existing goods and services rendered by wetlands. People’s dependency on wetland resources is very high. The primary source of livelihood of wetland dependent communities is wetland-based products and services. The study has revealed that dependency on wetland resources is very high amongst the ethnic communities (67%). About 54% of the surveyed respondents harvest fish from the reserve followed by pater (Typha Latifolia) collection (16.8%), khar grass (Sacchrum spp) collection (12.6%) and firewood collection (8.4%). The study found that fuelwood, fodder, fish, singara and sal leaf carried high economic values to the wetland dependent communities. Going by the ethnic composition, indigenous communities earned as much as NRs 8000 per year from the sale of such wetland products. Although non-use values and some components of regulatory services were not considered in the study, findings clearly highlight the vital importance of economic benefits generated from the reserve for the well-being of wetland dependent communities. The study concludes by providing a set of recommendations such as mobilizing local communities for effective conservation, generating wetland education and awareness, capacity building and institutional strengthening by giving high priority for their long-term sustainability and protection of ecosystem services.

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