
The Ayurvedic system of medicine to prevent and promote healthy life by following certain methods and treat-ments in daily activities (Dinacharya) can be considered as part of health promotion in this fast-moving digital age. Padaghata is one such consequential procedure explained as a daily regimen that includes both preventive and curative aspects of an individual’s health. Ayurveda has meticulously depicted the technique of Padaghata and its various benefits. This procedure helps to maintain the compactness of the body with good musculature, provides relaxation, and most importantly plays a great role in Marma paripaalana i.e., nurturing vitals. Discus-sion: Sneha Dravyas used in the Padaghata procedure undergo Paachana by Bhrajaka agni which is situated in Tvak (Aashrayasthana). Bhrajaka Pitta in its equilibrium state maintains the colour and complexion of the skin. This procedure of deep tissue massage helps in removal of lymphatic and metabolic wastes as both lymphatic and vascular tissues run superficially under the skin eventually nourishing the associated other body tissues. Conclusion: Padaghata is beneficial in keeping psycho-physical harmony in balance. Mainly in regard to main-taining a fit muscular body. The present study deals with a review of various aspects of Padaghata in the clas-sics of Ayurveda and contemporary practices.

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