
Today’s world be it man or animal, there is scarcity of good food and nutrition with many health issues. The animal world especially is not fodder secure with over 500 million animals to feed in our country alone. The process of deforestation and concretisation of the land, reduced farming land, low farming affinity, crop losses and low harvests due to demineralisation of the land can be attributed as the cause for this. At this juncture the search for alternate fodder sources have led our way to the “SEA VEGGIES” MISNOMERED as Sea weeds. These form nearly 70% of the earth’s plant treasure wherein only 1 % of it has been utilised as of now. Seaweeds have nearly 63 minerals, protein to a max. Of 60%, apart from all vitamins (except vit-D), Omega 3 fatty acids, flavinoidds and caretonoids. Apart from being good sources of food, they have industrial usage in the form of Algin, Alginic acid and Carragenan. Used as fertilizers and soil binders, in waste water treatment, in cosmetics and medicines. Our ancient wisdom has given an insight into the usage of seaweeds to feed and treat the animals. Our work embarks upon the prospect of the use of seaweeds in the health and nutrition of animals and found to be the best alternative yet to be tapped.

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