
This work investigated the chain structure and large amplitude oscillatory shear (LAOS) rheological properties of waxy maize starch (WMS) at different growth periods and established a motion model to clarify the evolution of starch chain structure. During the growth period of 20–25 days, the apparent viscosity and dynamic moduli for WMS paste decreased, along with a greater degree of nonlinearity. This could be correlated with an increasing branching degree of starch due to more short-branched chains generated during growth. With the growth period reaching 25 days, the apparent viscosity, dynamic moduli and zero-strain nonlinearity (Q0) for WMS increased and the b value deviated from 2 significantly, indicating obvious nonlinearity accompanied by a weak stress overshoot and shear-thickening. This could be explained by the growing length of branched chains and the rising content of B3- and B4-chains. Thus, this work demonstrate LAOS rheology can be used as a new and effective method to characterize the chain structural evolution of starch through monitoring the motion pattern of different starch chains under shear conditions.

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