
Microglial dysfunction plays a causative role in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathogenesis. Here we focus on a germline insertion/deletion variant mapping SIRPβ1, a surface receptor that triggers amyloid-β(Aβ) phagocytosis via TYROBP. To analyze the impact of this copy-number variant in SIRPβ1 expression and how it affects AD molecular etiology. Copy-number variant proxy rs2209313 was evaluated in GERALD and GR@ACE longitudinal series. Hippocampal specimens of genotyped AD patients were also examined. SIRPβ1 isoform-specific phagocytosis assays were performed in HEK393T cells. The insertion alters the SIRPβ1 protein isoform landscape compromising its ability to bind oligomeric Aβ and its affinity for TYROBP. SIRPβ1 Dup/Dup patients with mild cognitive impairment show an increased cerebrospinal fluid t-Tau/Aβ ratio (p = 0.018) and a higher risk to develop AD (OR = 1.678, p = 0.018). MRIs showed that Dup/Dup patients exhibited a worse initial response to AD. At the moment of diagnosis, all patients showed equivalent Mini-Mental State Examination scores. However, AD patients with the duplication had less hippocampal degeneration (p < 0.001) and fewer white matter hyperintensities. In contrast, longitudinal studies indicate that patients bearing the duplication allele show a slower cognitive decline (p = 0.013). Transcriptional analysis also shows that the SIRPβ1 duplication allele correlates with higher TREM2 expression and an increased microglial activation. The SIRPβ1 internal duplication has opposite effects over MCI-to-Dementia conversion risk and AD progression, affecting microglial response to Aβ. Given the pharmacological approaches focused on the TREM2-TYROBP axis, we believe that SIRPβ1 structural variant might be considered as a potential modulator of this causative pathway.

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