
The following inscription was copied by Mr. A. S. Murray when travelling with Mr. Newton in Asia Minor in 1870, ‘from a stelè at the door of a house at Kelibesch.’ It has been put into my hands for publication because the inscribed marbles brought from Prienè by Mr. Pullan in 1870, and presented to the British Museum by the Society of Dilettanti, have been prepared by me for the press, and are now in course of publication. They will form a portion of Part iii. of the Greek Inscriptions in the British Museum. Kelibesch is a Turkish village on the southern slope of Mt. Mykalè, a short distance from the ruins of the temple of Athenè Polias at Prienè. A description of it will be found in Chandler's Travels in Asia Minor, vol. i., p. 197. Mr. Murray's memoranda do not furnish any account of the size or colour of the marble employed for this stelè: but it is evidently entire at the top and right side; the left-hand edge is slightly injured, but a good deal is broken off at the bottom.

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