
Background: As at 1942, there were neither indigenous radiographers nor radiography training institutions in Nigeria. Presently, progress made is breathtaking. Despite the strides, there were no readily accessible records to give researchers insight on the trajectory of the profession since the beginning of the 20th century.
 Objective: To trace the origin, investigate the quests, ascertain the conquests of the radiography profession in Nigeria and then document them for easy accessibility.
 Methods: A prospective, longitudinal historical research spanning 6 years (2013 – 2019). Data emanated from records of the professional association (ARN), publications in the radiography profession, and interview of older radiographers, especially those who were witnesses to professional milestones. Internet search complemented retrieved information. The draft of the work was uploaded continually on radiographers’ Facebook and WhatsApp platforms for inputs. The author resolved discrepancies in account through weight of evidence for or against.
 Results: Approximately 5,000 persons have passed through basic radiography training in Nigeria, with ≤ 5% having postgraduate qualifications. Training institutions have evolved from two monotechnics to ≥ 10 universities, with three of those are involved in postgraduate education. Radiography has witnessed considerable role extensions from traditional x-ray to more advanced practices and complex modalities. Conquests were however, sometimes reversed, or jeopardized by internal upheavals and meddlesome interlopers. 
 Conclusion: Radiography in Nigeria has witnessed breathtaking evolution in training and practice from the time of World War II (WWII) until date. Radiographers themselves, with significant assistance from non-radiographers, engineered those milestones. A consolidation of intra-professional cohesion and inter-professional synergy is needful, for more focused and dedicated services to humanity.

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