
Abstract There is an acute need to develop new workforce talent in the Gerontology industry due to (a) a rapidly increasing older population; (b) new and evolving needs of older adults due to increased life spans and the long-term impact of COVID-19, and (c) high attrition rates of the current workforce due to death and retirement. One practical strategy to increase new talent is to develop paid apprenticeship opportunities for undergraduate students from different disciplines. The author developed multiple hybrid apprenticeship opportunities to create an "earn and learn" program through funds received from the Louisiana Board of Regents. The program was open to students from all majors because Gerontology is a multi-disciplinary field and there is a need to provide gerontological training to professionals from different disciplines to prepare them to serve older adults in different types of settings. As a pilot project, ten students were selected after an application process. Students in this project were required to complete two three-credit hour fully online courses in Gerontology with a grade of “B” or better. They were also required to complete an eight-hour orientation to help them develop soft skills to work with older adults during their apprenticeship period. They were then required to complete a 150-hour paid summer-apprenticeship in an organization that serves older adults and/or people with disabilities. The program was successful with a 100% completion rate. The students enrolled in this program completed the final step by presenting their apprenticeship experiences at a conference organized by the author.

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