
In this paper an innovative space metrology system which objective is to measure the mutual arrangement between two spacecrafts is descripted. It is a simple and robust system that makes possible relative attitude measurements between 2 satellites in formation flying with coarse and fine accuracies. Generally, in formation flying mission it's necessary to have a satellite attitude control whose accuracy depends on their relative distance. The proposed metrology is based on an innovative optical projective system embedded on satellite 1 and a target composed by several light sources mounted on satellite 2. Optical system concurrently projects on a CCD two images of the target and from relative position of the light sources on the CCD image plane it's possible to detect position and attitude of the S2. Basic element of innovation of this versatile metrology concept is the possibility to work on a very large S/Cs range distance (∼10 m–15 km) and to determinate the relative attitude and position of two spacecrafts on all six degree of freedom in a very simple and fast way.

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