
Upstream open reading frames (uORFs) are cis-acting elements that can dynamically regulate the translation of downstream ORFs by suppressing downstream translation under basal conditions and, in some cases, increasing downstream translation under stress conditions. Computational and empirical methods have identified uORFs in the 5′-UTRs of approximately half of all mouse and human transcripts, making uORFs one of the largest regulatory elements known. Because the prevailing dogma was that eukaryotic mRNAs produce a single functional protein, the peptides and small proteins, or microproteins, encoded by uORFs were rarely studied. We hypothesized that a uORF in the SLC35A4 mRNA is producing a functional microprotein (SLC35A4-MP) because of its conserved amino acid sequence. Through a series of biochemical and cellular experiments, we find that the 103-amino acid SLC35A4-MP is a single-pass transmembrane inner mitochondrial membrane (IMM) microprotein. The IMM contains the protein machinery crucial for cellular respiration and ATP generation, and loss of function studies with SLC35A4-MP significantly diminish maximal cellular respiration, indicating a vital role for this microprotein in cellular metabolism. The findings add SLC35A4-MP to the growing list of functional microproteins and, more generally, indicate that uORFs that encode conserved microproteins are an untapped reservoir of functional microproteins.

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