
In non-photorealistic rendering (NPR), the Chinese ink painting style rendering is a traditional NPR skill of China. In this paper, we propose a method for image-based and ink-diffusion-based Chinese ink painting NPR. Users without painting experience can also convert a normal image to a Chinese ink painting automatically. As we known, ink is an important pigment for Chinese ink painting and the various ink shade effects on the painting are produced by ink mixed with water. In addition, the ink diffusion along the boundaries is a very important aspect of Chinese ink painting. In order to realize the effects described above, we present a Chinese ink painting NPR method based on ink diffusion. We use Mean Shift based image segmentation algorithm to preprocess the input image to get regions with different tones. Then, we detect the segmentation regions' edges letting the edge points to be the start points for diffusion. We set each point an ink value which is corresponding to its gray value. At the same time, a new algorithm simulating ink diffusion is proposed to make the segmentation image look like a black-ink painting. Results in this paper demonstrate our method is promising.

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