
Reverberation measurements were made in the Gulf of Mexico off Panama City, Florida, USA, in April 2012 in preparation for the main Transmission Reverberation Experiment (TREX) in May 2013. The data were gathered using the triplet section of the ONR Five Octave Research Array (FORA), deployed as a fixed receiver. By steering cardioid beams to the right or left, the array can reduce ambiguity. Beamformed data from the 2012 trial show background noise with high directionality and variability due to nearby shipping. Model predictions of reverberation and target are compared with data using a range-dependent Clutter Model, which uses adiabatic normal modes as the computational engine. The initial predictions use isovelocity water, over a sandy bottom halfspace with Lambert scattering, and bathymetry from the GEBCO08 database. These initial results will be presented, hopefully supplemented by improved predictions with better environmental inputs and additional clutter data obtained during the May 2013 experiment. [Work supported by ONR Code 322 OA.]

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