
Smartphone-enabled micro-temporal data collection has potential to increase reliability, validity, and feasibility of participant-reported data and is a promising strategy for pediatric oncology supportive care and quality-of-life research. Given the demands of pediatric cancer caregiving, we sought to understand the feasibility and acceptability of smartphone data collection that included short surveys administered daily for 14days via text message link. We recruited pediatric cancer caregivers, whose children (ages 0-18years) were on active treatment, to complete a 14-day daily survey study via smartphone. We implemented our study procedures and examined feasibility through study enrollment rates, reasons for refusal, retention rates, number of reminders and number of completed surveys. We examined acceptability using caregiver ratings of survey length, burden, and ease of completion on a smartphone. We recruited (N=75) caregivers to the study and had an 84% enrollment rate. Reasons for declining participation included passive refusal (n=13) and too busy (n=1). The participant retention rate was 100% and compliance with daily survey completion was 99%. Most surveys were completed following two prompts and took participants 5minutes or less to complete. Caregivers rated the surveys as easy to complete, low burden, and just right in length. A daily self-report, using a brief (≤5minutes) survey administered on a smartphone via text message prompt, is a feasible and acceptable method. Future research should extend these findings to understand the generalizability across pediatric cancer caregiving contexts.

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