
The implementation of a general and flexible method of formulating problems of mathematical programming in structural and multidisciplinary optimization systems is described. The method, which is based on the so-called bound formulation, enables the formulation and solution of problems involving local, integral, mintmax, maxlmin and possibly non-differentiable user-defined functions in any conceivable mix and using user-defined mathematical functions. The computer implementation involves a parser capable of interpreting and performing symbolic dfierentiation of the user defined functions. A sample problem of thermo-elasticity is given. It is concluded that this approach is well suited for multidisciplinary design optimization systems. 1. Motivation One of the great challenges of research in design automation is the development of practically applicable systems for multidisciplinary design optimization. Such systems will, if they are truly generally applicable, cause a revolution in the way design laboratories work. Several papers with the focus on system design rather than single applications have emerged in recent years. Some examples are Esping (1986), Rasmussen (1989), Papalarnbros & Chirehdast (1990), Choi & Chang (1991), Botlun et. al. (1 992), Rasmussen et. al. (1993), and Cardoso & Santos (1 993). Obtaining the necessary generality, however, is a very difficult task. Designing even simple components involves many different considerations. For the sake of the argument, we may categorize them into groups of increasing complexity: The functional behavior, for instance weight, energy consumption, power output, efficiency, eigenfrequencies, strength, stiffness, pressures, velocities, accelerations, temperatures, electric and magnetic properties, etc. These qualities can often be modeled mathematically and analyzed by means of digital computers. The fabricational behavior, for instance the cost of machining, the necessary production facilities, the necessary manpower, stock and inventory, financial requirements, etc. These properties are usually very difficult to analyze because of the many degrees of freedom in choice of production planning and processes, the dependency of other products manufactured simultaneously, and even the dependence on the economic boundary conditions formed by the outside world. The aesthetic properties that are impossible to evaluate objectively, but are none the less tightly connected with the functional and fabricational properties. For instance, the shape of the hull of a ship determines strength, stiffness and drag properties, but it also forms an important part of the visual impression. In the development of multidisciplinary systems, we have only begun to cover the first category of product properties, so it may be argued that there is still a long way to go. At the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Aalborg University, Denmark, a system for multidisciplinary design optimization is under development. The system is called 'Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering '+~esearch Assistant Copyright O 1994 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.

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